Services is among our core activities.
Qualified engineers and state-of-the-art service equipment ensure high service quality
The Service Department tests and installs the equipment.
After installation and testing of new equipment, we train the staff how to work with the equipment. Training is organised both one-to-one and in groups by prior arrangement.
NMS ELPA is a manufacturer-certified service company that performs regular maintenance and inspections. Maintenance is carried out in line with the equipment manufacturers’ technical instructions. After maintenance, a functional and electrical safety test is carried out. Equipment, for which no manufacturer’s maintenance is intended, we carry out functional and electrical safety checks.
In the event of equipment failure, the service department will carry out a technical inspection and repairs. After the inspection, a report of defects is drawn up, showing the damage and its cause, as well as the repair costs. After the equipment is repaired, a functional and electrical safety check is carried out, followed by a statement that the equipment is serviceable.
The Service Department installs medical gas systems, including compressed air systems, and carries out gas leak tests. We also carry out a gas system audits to assess the existing system and prepare recommendations to ensure it meets European Union regulations and safety standards.
The Service Department carries out installation and service of nurse call systems. We also perform the audit of existing nurse call systems.